车流线,光斑、光线笔刷 付费 ¥0.10 Photoshop


Edit 2017-04-17 15:44:01
多合一 一键调整快捷键版 付费 ¥1.00 3DMAX

给物体快速加载uvw坐标 , 吸取选择物体的材质, 选择激活材质球所关联的物体, 物体落地(对齐多个物体/组到物体表面) , 显示渲染图像窗口 , 轴点定位 ,跨文件复制粘贴模型 , 两点之间连线并焊接 可以设置快捷键使用,也可以拖到工具栏等方式使用

jianmeng 未知 2023-05-08 12:40:43
按材质ID分离 - Detach by Material ID

将POLY多边形,按材质ID分离炸开 - Detach by Material ID

Edit Jeff Lim 2016-10-10 21:29:19
星星 - Star
星星 - Star 免费 3DMAX

用来一键创建。This one is really simple and will be perfect as a starting point for anyone who wants to learn how to build a custom mesh primitive. Enjoy.

Edit Swordslayer 2016-10-08 15:15:59
超级螺旋 免费 3DMAX

超级螺旋,示例的是螺旋风管,螺纹,金属软管,环形坡道等的制作方式,可以支持自定义形状。Example usage would be spiral ductwork, screw threads, flexible metal tubes, circular ramps etc. No smoothing groups are assigned, for smooth look either use Smooth modifier or add points to the spline profile.

Edit Vojtech Cada 2016-09-30 20:02:57
矩阵六边形 - HexagonGrid
矩阵六边形 - HexagonGrid 可试用 付费 ¥0.20 3DMAX

矩阵六边形,可以调整长、宽、和每一片大小半径,可以使用贴图来控制每一片的大小。还可以制作动画效果。Hexagon pattern primitive. The size of individual hexagons is driven by a texture map.

Edit Swordslayer 2016-10-09 23:16:00
One Button Auto Animate / Rotate Bones For Skinning

I got tired of having to animate my bones by hand when I'm skinning a model, so I made this script. It will add an animation to ALL selected objects, rotating in sequence one at a time. Now you can skip the animation range creating stage and skip right to skinning. Yay!

Edit xcloudx 2016-09-30 14:51:21
Wind to MultiScatter 模拟风吹草动

Simulation Wind in MultiScatter.使用MultiScatter模拟风吹草动的效果。首先,你的MAX中要安装有MultiScatter插件,然后,通过本工具,拾取你的草物体,即可让它摇摆起来。

Edit Ace 2018-05-10 17:10:48
各种箭头 - Arrow
各种箭头 - Arrow 免费 3DMAX

创建各种样式的箭头。Arrow spline primitive, useful as a control object in rigging. Works only in 3ds max 2016 SP2 and higher.

Edit Vojtech Cada 2016-09-30 14:08:17
顶点色生成器 - Pits & Peaks

本工具是用来生成顶点贴图用的,Vertex color,以用来增强模型的立体感。比如树木,山体等细节较多的表面。 Quickly approximates dirt accumulation by analyzing the concavity of faces surrounding a vertex and stores the results in the vertex colors. Useful for adding some texture detail to models with hard edges and creases - like trees & terrain.

Edit Jeff Stewart 2016-09-29 19:06:37
新螺旋线 - Helix with Bezier Handles

新螺旋线,它不像默认的普通螺旋线,它默认只有4个顶点,方便曲线调节,如果有需要,也可以调节参数,生成更多的顶点。 如下图对比,左边是默认的MAX螺旋线,右边是新螺旋线。 Just like the regular helix only with four bezier handles per turn (or more if you would like - you can control that with the Steps spinner) instead of 40 corner-points of the default Helix shape.

Edit Swordslayer 2016-09-29 19:26:23
随机元素ID - randomElementsMatIDs

这个工具可以为POLY的物体元素,随机指定不同的材质ID。this script sets random material IDs to poly elements

Edit Andrei Kletskov (111) 2016-09-29 14:44:39


物体软选择 - Object soft selection

用一个物体,影响周边一群物体,常规的是点线面的软选择,这个功能是物体的软选择。Object Soft Selection Script is used to transform objects with soft selection based on user defined curves.

Edit Jbond 2016-09-30 11:25:53
折纸动画 可试用 付费 ¥2.00 3DMAX


trykle Kamil Malagowski 2021-05-12 14:26:21
四边面圆柱体 - Quad Cylinder

Quad Cylinder,这个圆柱体和默认的圆柱区,最大的区别就是,这个生成的是4边面的,包括柱头

Edit Vojtech Cada 2016-09-30 22:01:23
炸开条线 - Explode Spline Elements

用于快速炸开选定的样条曲线,将线条元素炸分为单独的对象。A small tool for quickly exploding all selected splines and shapes elements into separate objects. Support for turning on and off Undo for speeding up the process.

Edit Trond Hille 2016-09-30 21:47:25
场景清理 (无故变大)


q771378341 2016-11-29 11:00:40
百叶窗生成 免费 3DMAX


zhiruoshui123 2016-09-26 21:40:41
POLY元素随机 免费 3DMAX


Edit Vojtech Cada 2016-09-29 10:16:11
木板生成器-FloorGenerator 付费 ¥1.00 3DMAX


chao901103 Jerry Ylilammi 2024-02-26 10:43:45
齿轮 免费 3DMAX

超级齿轮创建筑工具,所有参数可调。Involute spur gear primitive, complete with tooth undercut and all-quad topology. Unencrypted and fully open for further hacking.

Edit Vojtech Cada 2016-09-23 20:43:03
圆形化poly物体 - Edge Loop Regularizer EditPoly

圆形化poly物体 - Edge Loop Regularizer EditPoly,选择点、线、面之后,进行LOOP循环,然后把一整列的点、线、面进行圆化处理。

Edit pi3c3 2016-09-22 22:21:49