对塌陷物体 进行整理 还原成 Face+Shell(面加壳) 修改器的样子 你可以用在 比较乱的 3DS模型整理 和重建的 方面,强迫症的人也许会需要。 可以进行 四舍五入 的 尺寸优化 如: 102 可以优化成 100 107 可以优化成 100或者110
又是一个给工作省力的脚本,可以根据你设定的角度 ,为选择的物体添加 Slice 修改器 可以快速的达到切割的目的。。。操作简单:选择物体 点击 切割的坐标 即可,简单又粗暴 。。。 为同一栋楼 可快速的做出不同切割角度的方案。。 也可以和 阵列到线 v1.0 合作使用(物体坐标要居中)
一键生成丑陋的魔比斯环,Creates a Mobius strip at the origin. All quads, automatically chamfered and smoothed.
这个小脚本可以让你在max中生成平滑线框,这样你就可以渲染出来,或转化成线框模型。 This Little script lets you to create your objects Smooth wire in 3dsmax,so you can render.
这个工具用来生成模型的置换效果,可以将一个物体的形状,叠加到另一个物体上。类似包裹效果,但是,它不是基于黑白位图来生成置换,而是基于真实模型的形体来生成置换的。 pX 3D Displacer scripted plugin Utility. Instead of using grayscale maps, this tool works doing directly modifications to an Editable_Poly vertexes using any geometric object as displacer effector.
用来反转面,反转法线,反转线条首尾。Flip normals of polygons or objects Flip (Reverse) splines
边缘细化/模型导角做旧,快速修改,细化POLY物体的边角,模拟制作损坏、破旧的墙体等模型。With this tool user can deform selected edges of Editable Poly objects. This will give your model a more natural look with raw edges. For example: wooden or concrete pillars or walls, pieces of clay or ice, rude metal etc.
这是一个二给图形线条的创建,方便用来制作皮带轮子图形,以及辅助动画。创建的线条,可以直接打可渲染显示,制作滑轮履带的路径动画。 Technically you can probably call it a rounded isosceles trapezoid but it will be more useful as a base for path of bicycle chains or pulley belts. When both radii are the same and spline set to renderable, it could also be used as a simple chain link.
用来一键创建斐波纳契球体模型。Simple fibonacci sphere primitive (poles are not capped).
用来一键创建。This one is really simple and will be perfect as a starting point for anyone who wants to learn how to build a custom mesh primitive. Enjoy.
超级螺旋,示例的是螺旋风管,螺纹,金属软管,环形坡道等的制作方式,可以支持自定义形状。Example usage would be spiral ductwork, screw threads, flexible metal tubes, circular ramps etc. No smoothing groups are assigned, for smooth look either use Smooth modifier or add points to the spline profile.
矩阵六边形,可以调整长、宽、和每一片大小半径,可以使用贴图来控制每一片的大小。还可以制作动画效果。Hexagon pattern primitive. The size of individual hexagons is driven by a texture map.
I got tired of having to animate my bones by hand when I'm skinning a model, so I made this script. It will add an animation to ALL selected objects, rotating in sequence one at a time. Now you can skip the animation range creating stage and skip right to skinning. Yay!
Simulation Wind in MultiScatter.使用MultiScatter模拟风吹草动的效果。首先,你的MAX中要安装有MultiScatter插件,然后,通过本工具,拾取你的草物体,即可让它摇摆起来。