
Deformed Edges v1.1

原作者: Branko Živković,由 Edit发布
功能介绍 相关
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本工具由开发者Edit 发布提供,与本站无关。本站所有工具功能开发、维护、升级由开发者负责,售出盈利归开发者。若使用中遇到问题,请在评论区留言,或向网站客服寻求帮助。

【简介】:边缘细化/模型导角做旧 - Deformed Edges v1.1,用来制作边缘细化/模型导角做旧,快速修改,细化POLY物体的边角,模拟制作损坏、破旧的墙体等模型。


Additional Info: 

With this tool user can deform selected edges of Editable Poly objects.
This will give your model a more natural look with raw edges.
For example: wooden or concrete pillars or walls, pieces of clay or ice, rude metal etc.


Follow these five step:

  • 1. Select your model (the conditions are: model must be converted
    as Editable Poly object with none modifiers assigned).

  • 2. Manually select edges or you can use the button
    *Select Contour Edges* which will select all edges
    with the given minimum and maximum angle between
    two faces who share same edge.

  • 3. When the edges are selected press *Analize Topology*
    button to recive some inportant pararametars for
    precalculation process.

  • 4. I suggest to use default settings for the first deformation
    process by pressind *Defor Selected Edges* Button.
    Then activate *Interactive mode* which will allow you to have
    direct feedback of any changes on your model.

  • 5. You can also use *Peview UNS* (use NURMS Subdivision)
    with display iterations, or remove all changes on model
    topology (*Revert Object Topology*).

N O T E: 

If your object has a large polygon count
(high poly model) then do not recommend that you
use *Interactive mode* or if you do choose to use this mode
in the previously described conditions then try to
increase or decrease spinner value only by one.
Take a look very nice presentation of this tool by Chandan Kumar on

Version Requirement: max2010 +

This script is written and tested on 3dsMax 2011 x64
and 3dsMax 2012 x64, but it may work in older version.

Denis Trofimov (Denis T) for his great input
regarding optimization of code.

You can put a comment on CGTalk Forum where you can see also
making of *Deformed Edges* script. Follow this link:

Recent tests with version 1.0

Version 1.1 New Features:
- now you can use BEVEL operation to create a stitches
NOTE: To disable bevel option just set *Bevel Height* value to ZERO.
- added Preview Checker Map options for cheking the model UV's.


边缘细化/模型导角做旧,快速修改,细化POLY物体的边角,模拟制作损坏、破旧的墙体等模型。With this tool user can deform selected edges of Editable Poly objects. This will give your model a more natural look with raw edges. For example: wooden or concrete pillars or walls, pieces of clay or ice, rude metal etc.

发布时间: 2016-10-08 17:24:18

最后更新日期: 2016-10-08 22:00:00


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打赏开发者 已有 15人打赏过




