
导出场景选中的模型 带材质贴图 支持代理

____曦____ 2019-06-15 18:33:18


Simin 未知 2021-03-19 19:49:38
Save Clean Selected
Save Clean Selected 免费 3DMAX

这个工具主要用来将选中的模型,保存出去,不会带有其它材质和环境等其它东西。干净保存!​ This is simple script to save clean selected without other materials, environment.

Edit Pixamoon 2016-10-13 20:38:44
Poly 扩边成窗
Poly 扩边成窗 免费 3DMAX

Poly线条扩边成窗,个人习惯做窗的方法。用脚本方便快速。 对于比较精密的模型,如曲面或者是近景的窗框肯定不能用Sweep方式做窗框了。

cgke A_C_E 2016-10-18 10:49:14
FragNoiser 免费 3DMAX

This tool is for adding details for your fractured model's internal faces , cracks and so on. It offers a built in solution for doing so without the need of external plugins by using 3ds max default modifiers in a clever and systematic way.

Edit Alaa Alnahlawi 2016-10-13 15:12:25
样条线细分 免费 3DMAX

细分样条线功能很普通拉,就是等距分段。添加了 在转折点处 打断选项。 可以让你自定义选项 是否保留断点。

cgke A_C_E 2016-10-13 12:08:22
路径切线 免费 3DMAX

按路径切割 ,拾取线条,根据数据 自动切割,可以自定义你是否保留 转折点。。。 可以根据选择的面,来针对性切割。。。

cgke A_C_E 2016-10-13 11:21:09
物体快捷布尔 付费 ¥0.20 3DMAX

有时候Max做布尔运算的时候 , 你会发现有时候布尔出来的物体 会破面,这插件就可以避免哦, 这插件就操作起来就很直接,很方便。。。

cgke A_C_E 2017-01-16 14:49:33
物体3点 自动弯曲
物体3点 自动弯曲 付费 ¥0.10 3DMAX

点击坐标为你的物体 自动分段 自动添加 Bend 修改器, 以达到 弯曲的效果。

cgke A_C_E 2017-01-16 14:47:27
超面物体检测 免费 3DMAX

max你导出3DS的时候,有没有遇到过超过一定面数的物体,提示超过要求的导不出来呢? 此脚本,你可以自己设定选择超过多少面数的物体,并且可以自动处理超面物体,把超面物体分成若干份。 如果面数1200的物体,按300面自动分割或者400或者500都可以分成若干份,这样就不会出线超面物体了。

cgke A_C_E 2016-10-18 11:27:48
物体跟随到线 付费 ¥0.10 3DMAX

自动为你选择的物体切断跟随曲线走 。 要求不高的情况下可以直接做你的展开立面,到时候直接跟随下就好了。

cgke A_C_E 2017-01-16 14:43:04

可以通过图片,把你的图片转换成 MaxScript的注释

cgke A_C_E 2016-10-18 10:43:52


Poly圆改球面 免费 3DMAX


cgke A_C_E 2016-10-12 17:46:42
超级场景清理器 可试用 付费 ¥0.50 3DMAX


chynue 2020-11-24 14:10:43
批量保存OJB文件 - Batch Save Obj as Max files

批量保存所选的 OBJ 文件为 MAX 文件,支持文件夹,包含子文件夹也将被加载,选择文件夹中的所有OBJ文件。如果文件夹有子文件夹,脚本会问你是否加载子文件夹中的 OBJ 文件。 Batch save selected obj files to max files.

Edit miauu 2016-10-10 21:00:47
Save & Restore Views
Save & Restore Views 免费 3DMAX

A simple script that is pretty similar to max's own "Save active perspective view" and "Restore active perspective view" functionality just that there are 5 slots with preview images. Un-comment the first 2 lines to install it as a macroscript. Click the little lock symbol to save a view, click the image button to restore it.

Edit DeadClown 2016-10-09 17:31:13
Rigid Animation to Skinned Mesh

This script have been used for a project on which I needed to simulate some destruction effects with MassFX and then import it in Unreal 4. Basically the script transfer the rotation/position/scaling of every selected objects into a single skined object where each bone represent the previously selected object animation.

Edit Francis Bouthillier 2016-10-08 16:08:45
One Button Auto Animate / Rotate Bones For Skinning

I got tired of having to animate my bones by hand when I'm skinning a model, so I made this script. It will add an animation to ALL selected objects, rotating in sequence one at a time. Now you can skip the animation range creating stage and skip right to skinning. Yay!

Edit xcloudx 2016-09-30 14:51:21
Wind to MultiScatter 模拟风吹草动

Simulation Wind in MultiScatter.使用MultiScatter模拟风吹草动的效果。首先,你的MAX中要安装有MultiScatter插件,然后,通过本工具,拾取你的草物体,即可让它摇摆起来。

Edit Ace 2018-05-10 17:10:48
AlignObject2slicePlane 免费 3DMAX

this script lets you align an object to the sliceplane of an object with slice modifier.

Edit le1setreter 2016-09-30 14:30:55
光子图合并器 - VRay IRMap Merger

这个工具用来合并VR的光子图,如果同一场景有多角度相机渲染,或是动画渲染的话,合并光子图就比较重要。可以把多个不同角度的光子图合并成一个总文件。 This script merges multiple *.vrmap files from a selected folder. Tested on Max 2012, Vray 2.0. The benefit of rendering separate irradiance maps is that you can use distributed rendering. As with multi-frame incremental method, the map gets overwritten if multiple machines are being used.

Edit Andrej Perfilov 2016-09-29 22:13:23
SplineSurface 免费 3DMAX

SplineSurface is a small tool that creates a quad surface based on 4 spline shapes. Usage Pick up your 4 splines, set the number of subdivisions and click on Build Surface. You can reverse the order of each shape with the "R" button. Version Requirement: 2010 - 2016

Edit PolyTools3D 2016-09-27 17:53:50