这个工具可以为POLY的物体元素,随机指定不同的材质ID。this script sets random material IDs to poly elements
这个工具主要用来将选中的模型,保存出去,不会带有其它材质和环境等其它东西。干净保存! This is simple script to save clean selected without other materials, environment.
This tool is for adding details for your fractured model's internal faces , cracks and so on. It offers a built in solution for doing so without the need of external plugins by using 3ds max default modifiers in a clever and systematic way.
max你导出3DS的时候,有没有遇到过超过一定面数的物体,提示超过要求的导不出来呢? 此脚本,你可以自己设定选择超过多少面数的物体,并且可以自动处理超面物体,把超面物体分成若干份。 如果面数1200的物体,按300面自动分割或者400或者500都可以分成若干份,这样就不会出线超面物体了。
批量保存所选的 OBJ 文件为 MAX 文件,支持文件夹,包含子文件夹也将被加载,选择文件夹中的所有OBJ文件。如果文件夹有子文件夹,脚本会问你是否加载子文件夹中的 OBJ 文件。 Batch save selected obj files to max files.
A simple script that is pretty similar to max's own "Save active perspective view" and "Restore active perspective view" functionality just that there are 5 slots with preview images. Un-comment the first 2 lines to install it as a macroscript. Click the little lock symbol to save a view, click the image button to restore it.
This script have been used for a project on which I needed to simulate some destruction effects with MassFX and then import it in Unreal 4. Basically the script transfer the rotation/position/scaling of every selected objects into a single skined object where each bone represent the previously selected object animation.
I got tired of having to animate my bones by hand when I'm skinning a model, so I made this script. It will add an animation to ALL selected objects, rotating in sequence one at a time. Now you can skip the animation range creating stage and skip right to skinning. Yay!
Simulation Wind in MultiScatter.使用MultiScatter模拟风吹草动的效果。首先,你的MAX中要安装有MultiScatter插件,然后,通过本工具,拾取你的草物体,即可让它摇摆起来。
this script lets you align an object to the sliceplane of an object with slice modifier.
这个工具用来合并VR的光子图,如果同一场景有多角度相机渲染,或是动画渲染的话,合并光子图就比较重要。可以把多个不同角度的光子图合并成一个总文件。 This script merges multiple *.vrmap files from a selected folder. Tested on Max 2012, Vray 2.0. The benefit of rendering separate irradiance maps is that you can use distributed rendering. As with multi-frame incremental method, the map gets overwritten if multiple machines are being used.
SplineSurface is a small tool that creates a quad surface based on 4 spline shapes. Usage Pick up your 4 splines, set the number of subdivisions and click on Build Surface. You can reverse the order of each shape with the "R" button. Version Requirement: 2010 - 2016