关于“ Mu ” 的搜索结果有 3页,共有 21 个结果
InitialSettings 初始设置StoryBoard 故事板Layout 布局Design 设计Modeling 模型Shader/Textures 材质纹理Camera 相机SetDressing 布景Light 灯光Rigging 绑定Animation 动画CFX 角色特效VFX 特效FinalSetting 最终设置与优化Render/Output 渲染输出Cut 剪辑Compositing 合成AuxiliaryFunctions 辅助功能Other 其它
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浑浑噩噩 3DMAX 2020-08-28 16:11:20
Tools 3DMAX 2016-09-30 20:10:07
本工具用来快速合并多张不同的HDRI贴图,或多张不同的位置,合并成一个VR多重材质 Vray MultiSubTex。Here's a simple utility to automate loading a folder of bitmaps into the vray multi sub tex map. At the minute you choose a slot in your material editor (old type is the only one I've checked and use) and then run this script. A window will appear letting you set options for mirroring and rotating textures at set degrees so it should work nicely for tiles and floor beams.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-30 22:24:47
这个工具用来合并VR的光子图,如果同一场景有多角度相机渲染,或是动画渲染的话,合并光子图就比较重要。可以把多个不同角度的光子图合并成一个总文件。 This script merges multiple *.vrmap files from a selected folder. Tested on Max 2012, Vray 2.0. The benefit of rendering separate irradiance maps is that you can use distributed rendering. As with multi-frame incremental method, the map gets overwritten if multiple machines are being used.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-29 22:13:23
非常方便的渲染助手,用来进行批量的MAX文件渲染,不是批量相机渲染。是多文件渲染。 render multiple max files very easy with this script.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-29 20:15:19
本工具是用来生成顶点贴图用的,Vertex color,以用来增强模型的立体感。比如树木,山体等细节较多的表面。 Quickly approximates dirt accumulation by analyzing the concavity of faces surrounding a vertex and stores the results in the vertex colors. Useful for adding some texture detail to models with hard edges and creases - like trees & terrain.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-29 19:06:37
Simulation Wind in MultiScatter.使用MultiScatter模拟风吹草动的效果。首先,你的MAX中要安装有MultiScatter插件,然后,通过本工具,拾取你的草物体,即可让它摇摆起来。
Edit 3DMAX 2018-05-10 17:10:48
This script have been used for a project on which I needed to simulate some destruction effects with MassFX and then import it in Unreal 4. Basically the script transfer the rotation/position/scaling of every selected objects into a single skined object where each bone represent the previously selected object animation.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-10-08 16:08:45
可试用 打赏 ¥0.50
这个工具在调材质参数的时候,将彻底解放双手,提高工作效率。 一、 "镜面反射和模糊反射的功能: 1-可支持多物体的vray、vrayOverrideMtl、VRayMtlWrapper材质, 2-不支持单个或者多个Multimaterial材质循环 3-对单个的Multimaterial材质可以选择一个或者多个面来调节材质 二 、镜面包含多维材质循环和模糊包含多维材质循环的功能:支持所有物体的Vray、VRayMtlWrapper、Multimaterial、VRayMtlWrapper材质属性循环 关闭渲染后,只是此物体渲染属性被关闭,其它的属性不变,如发光、被反射、折射等
su37 3DMAX 2017-06-12 16:33:14
1356919932 3DMAX 2018-06-07 09:00:17