关于“ Edge ” 的搜索结果有
7 个结果
圆形化poly物体 - Edge Loop Regularizer EditPoly,选择点、线、面之后,进行LOOP循环,然后把一整列的点、线、面进行圆化处理。
本工具是用来生成顶点贴图用的,Vertex color,以用来增强模型的立体感。比如树木,山体等细节较多的表面。
Quickly approximates dirt accumulation by analyzing the concavity of faces surrounding a vertex and stores the results in the vertex colors. Useful for adding some texture detail to models with hard edges and creases - like trees & terrain.
VERY QUICK & SIMPLE BATCH RENDERER for STILL IMAGES. Just 2 clicks and ready to go!
This script is very useful to render many views from a single model or scene when you have already placed still cameras.
It combines many still cameras into one single animated camera that shows all those views sequentially, one per frame.
Then you just need to render the new camera to a sequence of images.
边缘细化/模型导角做旧,快速修改,细化POLY物体的边角,模拟制作损坏、破旧的墙体等模型。With this tool user can deform selected edges of Editable Poly objects.
This will give your model a more natural look with raw edges.
For example: wooden or concrete pillars or walls, pieces of clay or ice, rude metal etc.