方便快捷的统一修改场景中的材质贴图参数 本功能自maxsiyatools工具提取。 更多功能请移步到 http://tk.v5cg.com/tools/751.html
刀子匕首3D模型 Cubebrush – HQ PBR Combat Knives Pack
这个工具可以根据车轮直径大小,和汽车移动的位置距离,计算出车轮转动的速度,快速实现车轮的邦定和动画制作。虽然很简单,但是很实用,很快速,很方便。this script animates wheels for cars running along spline. it creates keys for wheels rotations and front wheels steering. probably not perfect but quick.
基于3ds max的biped灵活快速地生成骨骼骨架。Very flexible and fast script to generate a bone based skeleton over the 3ds max's biped. This script creates an entire rig from Bip character. If you don't have time to create all roll bones, and repeat all the same on the mirrored side, just create Bip and set up it's proportions, run the script and magically you will have a brand new rig.
用一个物体,影响周边一群物体,常规的是点线面的软选择,这个功能是物体的软选择。Object Soft Selection Script is used to transform objects with soft selection based on user defined curves.