这是个很棒的表面附着工具,将物体附着到斜面,坡面上。比如,将人、车、树等物体,对齐摆到路上坡上,带有动画。 Attach To Surface
基于3ds max的biped灵活快速地生成骨骼骨架。Very flexible and fast script to generate a bone based skeleton over the 3ds max's biped. This script creates an entire rig from Bip character. If you don't have time to create all roll bones, and repeat all the same on the mirrored side, just create Bip and set up it's proportions, run the script and magically you will have a brand new rig.
这是一个渲染预设工具,快速将选择物体进行预设渲染,可以用来渲染工业产品用。有高速渲染模式,和高质量渲染模式两种选择,会生成场景,2灯光,和4个材质,使用的是VR渲染器。 Make a fast render of the model with just one click!
这是个简单的点缓存转换工具,可以快速的把你的动画转成点缓存保存下来,目的是为了把修改器去掉,只有一个Ponint Cache命令,方便保存、调用动画。 A very simple tool that records Point Cache file for a selection of objects in specific folder .
或许,这是个然并卵的功能,用来一键生成三个正交的圆形线条。This plugin creates a new Spline primitive called "Orb". It can be used to quickly create orb controls for use in rigging, for example.
车轮旋转动画制作,适用于关键帧动画和路径约束对象。 不需要使用帮助hepler物体。 插件用来计算物体的方向和旋转。Works both with keyframe animation and path-constrained objects. Doesn't need helper objects. Both the direction and rotation of the object is calculated.