关于“ star ” 的搜索结果有
8 个结果
Additional Info:
Just select 1 object and animate it, after that click "start buttonn" and you will get unimated growth spline
Version Requirement: max7
用来一键创建。This one is really simple and will be perfect as a starting point for anyone who wants to learn how to build a custom mesh primitive. Enjoy.
您可以轻松地修改3DS Max中的帧速率,即开始和结束帧的时间。简单实用的小工具,希望你喜欢。You can easily modify the frame rate in 3DMax, the start and end frames of time.Simple and practical gadgets, hope you like。
Ruby代码编辑器的其它特点就不多做介绍了,最主要的好用的地方是它可以直接在SketchUp中执行或运行插件或部份代码,不需要加载rb文件。并且快速的插入Ruby语言代码块。对SketchUp_Ruby_API有兴趣的朋友,可以持续关注下Getting Started | SketchUp Developer Center http://developer.sketchup.com/en/content/getting-started(SketchUp_Ruby创建几何教程),目前我的Ruby也是在研究深化阶段,里面会有大量的SK官方出品的红宝石语言开发教程!