关于“ random ” 的搜索结果有
6 个结果
这个工具可以为POLY的物体元素,随机指定不同的材质ID。this script sets random material IDs to poly elements
笔刷克隆工具,将选择的物体进行笔刷绘制克隆,画到哪生成到哪。方便用来摆场景物体。the purpose of this script is to place objects by painting with mouse. like advanced painter, but advanced painter uses max's paint interface which is somewhat slow on complex models. my script paints objects over the active grid. after you place objects, you can put them down to ground, apply random transforms, apply random materials (all these things with other scripts). so you can quickly make landscapes.
随机材质ID,是一款用MAXScript脚本语言开发的小工具,可以为可编辑多边形对象随机分配材质ID,同时生成并赋予一个名称为“Bbvbb”的Multi/Sub材质。主要应用于Multi/Sub Material 的随机分配。
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