关于“ mesh ” 的搜索结果有
25 个结果
重建 MESH,重布线。A bridge from 3ds max to instant meshes. Without leaving max interface, it exports, remeshes and imports the remeshed object back based on the parameters in the dialog.
用来一键创建。This one is really simple and will be perfect as a starting point for anyone who wants to learn how to build a custom mesh primitive. Enjoy.
This script have been used for a project on which I needed to simulate some destruction effects with MassFX and then import it in Unreal 4. Basically the script transfer the rotation/position/scaling of every selected objects into a single skined object where each bone represent the previously selected object animation.
适配选择框,最小化选择框。模型在经过编辑后,边界框会变,要重新适配选择边界框,就可以用这个小工具。要打开j键,边界框显示后,才能看到效果,对MESH和POLY有效。Minimize volume Bounding Box