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55 个结果
A WIP curve-controlled scripted sweep modifier. Both the Interpolation and Profile animation rollout UI items are not to be used yet and mostly work as placeholders for future options. But first I would like to solve the garbage collect issues that can result in system exception and max crash in the long run. Now it's more of a proof of concept than anything else.
这个小工具,可以把材质编辑器的预览图,换成自定义的样子。This script will help you with setting and resetting custom sample objects in slate and basic material editor.
This script deletes all animation keys of a selected object in a time range. It allows choosing what type/s of key is going to be deleted (position, rotation, scale).
多相机管理器,用于批量相机渲染。There are quite a few fly-through camera management tools out there, but i needed something that could automatically change the time output range, sun, output file name, etc.
With this tool you can blend round corners and existing bump map of Vray material
本工具对于普通用户没有什么意义,供开发者用。本工具用来生成宏脚本,比如,将你的.MS或.MSE文件,生成一个宏执行。Most MAXScripts are available in .ms format and if there is a .mcr file included, it often requires rigid path structure to work. This little script creates macroscripts to run .ms or .mse files, the files themselves can be placed basically anywhere and you can define how they show in the interface.
这是个贴图工具,主要是用来添加 falloff 贴图里面的节点,节点数越多越密集,生成的半调条纹越细,还可以设置旋转角度等 - create gradient ramp which goes from thin lines to thick so that it can be mapped for example to a falloff map (Shadow/Light falloff pictured).
Additional Info:
Just select 1 object and animate it, after that click "start buttonn" and you will get unimated growth spline
Version Requirement: max7