
宏脚本生成器 - Macroscript Creator

原作者:Swordslayer,由 Edit发布
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本工具由开发者Edit 发布提供,与本站无关。本站所有工具功能开发、维护、升级由开发者负责,售出盈利归开发者。若使用中遇到问题,请在评论区留言,或向网站客服寻求帮助。



宏脚本生成器 - Macroscript Creator

Additional Info: 

  • Category:The Category text associates the script with a corresponding category in the Customize User Interface dialog or creates it if it does not exist yet.

  • Script ID:Script ID is a unique identifier of the macroscript, to find out more about the naming conventions refer to Names section of the MAXScript Reference.

  • Button text:Button text is the text that displays when the macroscript is placed as a button on a toolbar and no icon is assigned to it.

  • Tooltip:Tooltip shows when mouse cursor hovers over the button and is also displayed in the Customize User Interface dialog and in quad menu.

  • EXECUTE :Pressing the EXECUTE button executes the resulting macroscript definition, which means that the script is now available and ready to be assigned to a shortcut, quadmenu or pinned to a toolbar.

  • Edit:Using the Edit... button instead allows you to edit the definition yourself and skips all the automated checks. If you want to execute the resulting script, press CTRL + E in the edit window or choose File > Evaluate All from the menu.

To learn more about macroscripts, be sure to visit Defining Macroscripts.

Version Requirement: 3ds Max 9, VIZ 2008

宏脚本生成器 - Macroscript Creator


本工具对于普通用户没有什么意义,供开发者用。本工具用来生成宏脚本,比如,将你的.MS或.MSE文件,生成一个宏执行。Most MAXScripts are available in .ms format and if there is a .mcr file included, it often requires rigid path structure to work. This little script creates macroscripts to run .ms or .mse files, the files themselves can be placed basically anywhere and you can define how they show in the interface.

发布时间: 2016-09-26 12:16:15

最后更新日期: 2016-10-09 21:02:37


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打赏开发者 已有 15人打赏过



