关于“ Ps ” 的搜索结果有 27页,共有 269 个结果
InitialSettings 初始设置StoryBoard 故事板Layout 布局Design 设计Modeling 模型Shader/Textures 材质纹理Camera 相机SetDressing 布景Light 灯光Rigging 绑定Animation 动画CFX 角色特效VFX 特效FinalSetting 最终设置与优化Render/Output 渲染输出Cut 剪辑Compositing 合成AuxiliaryFunctions 辅助功能Other 其它
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这个工具用来生成模型的置换效果,可以将一个物体的形状,叠加到另一个物体上。类似包裹效果,但是,它不是基于黑白位图来生成置换,而是基于真实模型的形体来生成置换的。 pX 3D Displacer scripted plugin Utility. Instead of using grayscale maps, this tool works doing directly modifications to an Editable_Poly vertexes using any geometric object as displacer effector.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-10-09 21:44:08
本工具用来快速合并多张不同的HDRI贴图,或多张不同的位置,合并成一个VR多重材质 Vray MultiSubTex。Here's a simple utility to automate loading a folder of bitmaps into the vray multi sub tex map. At the minute you choose a slot in your material editor (old type is the only one I've checked and use) and then run this script. A window will appear letting you set options for mirroring and rotating textures at set degrees so it should work nicely for tiles and floor beams.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-30 22:24:47
这个工具用来合并VR的光子图,如果同一场景有多角度相机渲染,或是动画渲染的话,合并光子图就比较重要。可以把多个不同角度的光子图合并成一个总文件。 This script merges multiple *.vrmap files from a selected folder. Tested on Max 2012, Vray 2.0. The benefit of rendering separate irradiance maps is that you can use distributed rendering. As with multi-frame incremental method, the map gets overwritten if multiple machines are being used.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-29 22:13:23
In short, this is a projection mapping tool. 分块渲染工具。This script allows you to breathe some life into your scene without a lengthy rendering process. Divide your scene into groups of objects and then use the script to batch render them and automatically apply camera projection mapping onto the original geometry (or 2D sprites).
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-29 21:23:04
新螺旋线,它不像默认的普通螺旋线,它默认只有4个顶点,方便曲线调节,如果有需要,也可以调节参数,生成更多的顶点。 如下图对比,左边是默认的MAX螺旋线,右边是新螺旋线。 Just like the regular helix only with four bezier handles per turn (or more if you would like - you can control that with the Steps spinner) instead of 40 corner-points of the default Helix shape.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-29 19:26:23
超级螺旋,示例的是螺旋风管,螺纹,金属软管,环形坡道等的制作方式,可以支持自定义形状。Example usage would be spiral ductwork, screw threads, flexible metal tubes, circular ramps etc. No smoothing groups are assigned, for smooth look either use Smooth modifier or add points to the spline profile.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-30 20:02:57
克隆对齐到面,将选择的物体,复制,并对齐到选择的面上。可以用来做铠甲金属,纽扣摆放,或者异形建筑表面物体分布。This simple tool will helps when you need to distribute any "source" object on "target" object selected faces. Requested on this thread by ice-boy.
Edit 3DMAX 2017-02-27 09:42:44
极渲染软件内置3DMAX插件 用来提交用户模型重要插件。 插件使用需安装极渲染客户端。 下载地址:https://www.jixuanran.com/download 注册账号:https://ucenter.jixuanran.com/account/login.html
Kakarrot 3DMAX 2016-11-07 18:13:36
您可以轻松地修改3DS Max中的帧速率,即开始和结束帧的时间。简单实用的小工具,希望你喜欢。You can easily modify the frame rate in 3DMax, the start and end frames of time.Simple and practical gadgets, hope you like。
Edit 3DMAX 2019-05-09 10:49:48
打赏 ¥3.00
trykle 3DMAX 2020-09-23 14:56:40