关于“ ACE ” 的搜索结果有
41 个结果
Raytrace清理(包括Raytrace材质的转换 和 Raytrace纹理贴图的清理和转换)
A WIP curve-controlled scripted sweep modifier. Both the Interpolation and Profile animation rollout UI items are not to be used yet and mostly work as placeholders for future options. But first I would like to solve the garbage collect issues that can result in system exception and max crash in the long run. Now it's more of a proof of concept than anything else.
重建 MESH,重布线。A bridge from 3ds max to instant meshes. Without leaving max interface, it exports, remeshes and imports the remeshed object back based on the parameters in the dialog.
本工具对于普通用户没有什么意义,供开发者用。本工具用来生成宏脚本,比如,将你的.MS或.MSE文件,生成一个宏执行。Most MAXScripts are available in .ms format and if there is a .mcr file included, it often requires rigid path structure to work. This little script creates macroscripts to run .ms or .mse files, the files themselves can be placed basically anywhere and you can define how they show in the interface.
pX 3D Displacer scripted plugin Utility.
Instead of using grayscale maps, this tool works doing directly modifications to an Editable_Poly vertexes using any geometric object as displacer effector.
SplineSurface is a small tool that creates a quad surface based on 4 spline shapes.
Pick up your 4 splines, set the number of subdivisions and click on Build Surface. You can reverse the order of each shape with the "R" button.
Version Requirement: 2010 - 2016
render multiple max files very easy with this script.
本工具是用来生成顶点贴图用的,Vertex color,以用来增强模型的立体感。比如树木,山体等细节较多的表面。
Quickly approximates dirt accumulation by analyzing the concavity of faces surrounding a vertex and stores the results in the vertex colors. Useful for adding some texture detail to models with hard edges and creases - like trees & terrain.