关于“ batch ” 的搜索结果有 1页,共有 7 个结果
InitialSettings 初始设置StoryBoard 故事板Layout 布局Design 设计Modeling 模型Shader/Textures 材质纹理Camera 相机SetDressing 布景Light 灯光Rigging 绑定Animation 动画CFX 角色特效VFX 特效FinalSetting 最终设置与优化Render/Output 渲染输出Cut 剪辑Compositing 合成AuxiliaryFunctions 辅助功能Other 其它
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相机批量渲染 - BatchCameraRender
jyy 3DMAX 2016-06-20 21:16:16
In short, this is a projection mapping tool. 分块渲染工具。This script allows you to breathe some life into your scene without a lengthy rendering process. Divide your scene into groups of objects and then use the script to batch render them and automatically apply camera projection mapping onto the original geometry (or 2D sprites).
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-29 21:23:04
VERY QUICK & SIMPLE BATCH RENDERER for STILL IMAGES. Just 2 clicks and ready to go! This script is very useful to render many views from a single model or scene when you have already placed still cameras. It combines many still cameras into one single animated camera that shows all those views sequentially, one per frame. Then you just need to render the new camera to a sequence of images.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-09-29 17:11:15
批量保存所选的 OBJ 文件为 MAX 文件,支持文件夹,包含子文件夹也将被加载,选择文件夹中的所有OBJ文件。如果文件夹有子文件夹,脚本会问你是否加载子文件夹中的 OBJ 文件。 Batch save selected obj files to max files.
Edit 3DMAX 2016-10-10 21:00:47
你可能碰到过有些因为过于复杂,或者存在不规范操作,亦或者动力学缓存不能正常读取等问题导致的batch render(后台渲染)失败的场景,要交活儿了,后台渲染和农场都渲不出来,怎么办?UFR这款超级前台渲染工具可以帮助你完美搞定!
浮世年华// Maya 2017-02-22 12:23:29
此脚本允许您快速转换所选文件夹中的“* .max”文件,并将它们以不同的格式保存到另一个文件夹。
1356919932 3DMAX 2018-06-07 08:59:30
小一 3DMAX 2019-09-27 15:24:07