
Bones from biped

原作者:unknow,由 Edit发布
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【功能描述】:基于3ds max的biped灵活快速地生成骨骼骨架。


  • 创建两足动物

  • 然后创建一个新的空图层

  • 选择任何一个bip元素后,再点击脚本按钮,骨骼将会在两足动物结构上自动创建完成

  • 在视图中,可以自定义修改物体命名

  • 注意,同一biped重复地去生成多次,有可能会出错。


  • 骨骼名称支持Unity3d引擎

  • 骨头,不必“做蒙皮SKIN”,有黑色和红色的颜色

  • 支持骨胳的自身参数调整

  • 可以修改生成的骨胳的段数

Very flexible and fast script to generate a bone based skeleton over the 3ds max's biped. This script creates an entire rig from Bip character. If you don't have time to create all roll bones, and repeat all the same on the mirrored side, just create Bip and set up it's proportions, run the script and magically you will have a brand new rig.

To start, just create biped, custom it in figure mode to match your character. When done, create a new empty layer, select any bip element, and click on script button. Bones will be created automatically on biped structure.
To tweak roll bones select local move and tweak both sides simultaneously.

- Bones names are Unity3d Engine ready
- Bones that you don't have to "skin" have black and red colors
- All twists are done with look-at constraints
- All elements are created in current layer, so to keep it separated from bip, create a new empty layer for convenience

Additional Info:v1.0.0 based on Biped Twists Creator v3.1.3


Bones from biped


基于3ds max的biped灵活快速地生成骨骼骨架。Very flexible and fast script to generate a bone based skeleton over the 3ds max's biped. This script creates an entire rig from Bip character. If you don't have time to create all roll bones, and repeat all the same on the mirrored side, just create Bip and set up it's proportions, run the script and magically you will have a brand new rig.

发布时间: 2016-10-09 18:18:50

最后更新日期: 2016-11-01 16:02:04


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打赏开发者 已有 15人打赏过



