关于“ 轻松 ” 的搜索结果有
35 个结果
这个脚本可以轻松的bake完成一个复杂场景的动画,包括各种对象,控制器和角色动画,并可以设置它输出到你最喜欢的游戏引擎里。This script can bake a complete scene with complex procedural animations and sophisticated rigs, including all kind of objects, controllers and character animations, and set it ready to export to your favorite game engine.
It works on any kind of object with any kind of animation controller!
This script collects all the Vray materials of the scene and allows you to easily change theirs subdivisions parameters.
Only tested with max 2015
Any feedback is highly appreciated
您可以轻松地修改3DS Max中的帧速率,即开始和结束帧的时间。简单实用的小工具,希望你喜欢。You can easily modify the frame rate in 3DMax, the start and end frames of time.Simple and practical gadgets, hope you like。
PS火焰、火星粒子特效笔刷 - firebrush,其中的粒子特效在AE的一些片头LOGO等等运用非常广泛。一键轻松制作火焰、粒子特效,为您的设计助力。