关于“ 管理 ” 的搜索结果有
62 个结果
资源收集器 - AssetCollector,帮助快速整理收集场景资源素材,比默认MAX的资源整理要快的多的多。一键更新所有资源路径,或去除路径。方便~
多相机管理器,用于批量相机渲染。There are quite a few fly-through camera management tools out there, but i needed something that could automatically change the time output range, sun, output file name, etc.
这个工具用来管理你的材质库,每个库都可以用一个文件夹来存放,可以快速读取材质库,也可以合并不同的材质库。使用前,先设置个材质路径。this script is intended to ease material library maintenance. you can add materials to the library and write commetns for them. you have a folder structure on your HDD, which represents material categories, and you have one file per material. so you can change structure and move materials by working with folders and files. so you need to define a working path in the code.