关于“ align ” 的搜索结果有
4 个结果
this script lets you align an object to the sliceplane of an object with slice modifier.
Vray Cam Align will align your VrayCam target height with the selected camera height.The "AutoAlign XY" button will do the above and also find the general direction of the cam,and align the target to the appropriate axis.
克隆对齐到面,将选择的物体,复制,并对齐到选择的面上。可以用来做铠甲金属,纽扣摆放,或者异形建筑表面物体分布。This simple tool will helps when you need to distribute any "source" object on "target" object selected faces.
Requested on this thread by ice-boy.
this scripts does the same thing as a free plugin GLUE does, namely it glues objects to a surface. i've written this sript because i was tired of necessity of looking for new recompiled plugins with every new max release. and this script can do a bit more than original: it can align glued objects to normal, and you can glue along any vector, defined with tape helper object. more with newer version - vertex projection, eye ray, more precision.